by David Rawlings, @DavidJRawlings Writers are a fragile lot, aren’t we? We beaver away in our imaginary worlds, creating and inhabiting spaces with characters of our own creation. And when we emerge, it can sometimes be daunting to work out if what we’ve created it worth reading. We’re artists – even if you’re trying to make a living from writing, you’re an …
4 Ways to Survive Self-Editing
by CJ Myerly, @mdippedinink My son curls into my side, a sheet of stickers in his lap as our preacher speaks. He points to a sticker. I peel it off, and so it goes. Over and over again, as he sticks each sticker to a blue sheet of paper. Then, comes one of the stickers that’s a little more complicated, that …
Line Edits: Taking Your Novel from Mediocre to Marvelous
by Rachel D. Russell, @RDRussellWrites I recently completed my first line edits on a manuscript. I won’t even venture a guess as to how my editor’s mind can keep track of all the things. Like the fact that my heroine shrugged her shoulder 98,625 times in the novel (really, she’s not as apathetic as that might make her sound). Or, my hero, …