Ready to work today?
Before you start, I have a little story. Here goes:
So, Andrew and I are SCUBA divers, and we decided to stay a couple extra weeks in FL to get some diving in before heading back to MN. We called around—every boat was full, but on Sunday, last minute, we were able to hop on a boat down in Pampano Beach. It’s a 2.5 hour drive, but we figured…aw, it’ll be fun. We’ll finish The Way of Kings on audio.
We got out our gear, checked it, and loaded it in the car. Having some time to spare, we checked the dive specs and realized…this was a drift dive.
We’ve never been on a drift dive.
I’m not that experienced of a diver—I’m halfway through my advanced diving cert, but I still get rusty between dives. More, we’ve always done an anchored dive (where the boat anchors, we follow the line down, then follow it back up to find the boat again).
We googled drift dive.
Found this:
I sorta freaked out. I imagined myself being grabbed by some underwater rip tide and being flung out into the Atlantic, swallowed into the gulf stream and suddenly I’m Nemo…
Hubby, on the other hand, said–“Cool! Let’s go!”
We hopped in the car and I can admit to some praying on the way down. I hate fear, so I WAS going to dive. BUT, I also didn’t want to, um, well, be swept out to seat.
I know. Calm down, Susie. But I’m a writer. I have an active imagination.
So, I sent up a few prayers. Lord, please keep us safe…
We got there, hopped on the boat, loaded our gear and was assigned to a dive group. (we brought our own dive flag, but they wanted to group us up). As we introduced ourselves, one of the divers, an older experienced diver (ex-marine chopper pilot) said, “I’m a dive Master. I’m here on vacation, but I’ll take the flag and keep an eye on everyone.”
Inside I was weeping.
Now, admittedly, every time I dive, I sort of have to re-remember how to kit up, relearn all the signals and reacquaint myself to buoyancy. But after a couple false starts, I figured it out and we dove in. Went down to 60 feet, to the reef.
Found the current.
It wasn’t the crazy pull of the Exumas, but had enough for me to know the power of the ocean. However, as I surrendered to it, I sat back and enjoyed the view. I barely had to kick.
Diving is such a worshipful experience for me. I’m so blown away by the underwater scenery. The thousands of different kinds of fish, the live coral, the sea urchins and fans. We saw a stingray, a huge lobster, and I followed an Angel fish around.

After a while, I forgot I was drift diving.
We surfaced, blew up our safety sausages (yes, that’s what they’re called) and got picked up by the boat. Rinse, repeat for the second dive.

So. Much. Fun.
But, as we finished for the day, my husband gave me a grim look…and pulled out the sopping wet car key fob.
Thirty minutes later, we were back on dock, doing this:

We prayed, he did some McGuyver tricks, but in the end, we had to get an automotive locksmith, who charged us about ½ what we expected, and we were home and happy 3 hours later.
What does this story have to do with writing?
2 things:
1. We often make a bigger deal out of something than it is. We look at a chapter, or a scene, or a project and get overwhelmed. But we forget that God is already ahead of us, providing what we need.
2. We will encounter troubles along the way. But that doesn’t mean we are without resources. God provides, even in the middle of trouble. Pray, and trust Him for answers as you move forward.
And here’s a Bonus round…Stop every once in a while and read what you wrote. Pick up a previous book, or just read your story for enjoyment. (I know it’s hard). Stop being so hard on yourself and look at what you and God did together!
Ready to go to work? Okay, me too.
Dive in. God is waiting to blow you away with his faithfulness.
Your story matters! Go! Write something Brilliant!

Susie May
P.S. Still thinking about writing this year, and how to get started? Our Quarantine Quick-Start course is still available, and FREE! Find it here: