The Best Time of Day to Write

AlyssaEncourage Me!, How do I get started?, Michelle Griep, Nurturing Creativity, Nurturing the Soul, Writer's life, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Life Coaching

By Michelle Griep, @MichelleGriep Some authors swear by writing before the sun is up. Others are nocturnal. And lots don’t have a choice, squeaking in words whenever a spare minute flares up. Which begs the question: is a certain time of day better than others to write? Short answer: Yep. Long answer: The best time to get your word count …

How to Start Using Facebook Live Videos as an Author

AlyssaBeth Vogt, How do I Promote my book?, marketing, Platform-building, Social Media, Writing Life

by Beth K. Vogt, @bethvogt Back in the spring, I started doing Facebook Live videos on my Author Facebook page. I’d heard the benefits of Facebook Live videos, specifically how Facebook prioritizes showing live video in people’s feeds, making it a great way to increase your visibility to readers.  Even knowing this, the introvert in me hung back longer than I …

Just in Case you Need a Smile Today

AlyssaBrainstorming Strategies and Tips, Encourage Me!, James L. Rubart, Loosen Up!, Nurturing Creativity, Nurturing the Soul, Writing Life

by James L. Rubart, @jameslrubart Since there’s a bit of chaos and anger in the world these days, I thought it might be high time to inject a bit of humor into your day with a classic video.  If you’ve been in this industry for more than ten minutes, you’ve probably had, or heard about, the type of conversation played …

Are You Willing to Declutter Your Fears to Achieve Your Dreams?

AlyssaEncourage Me!, Lisa Jordan, Nurturing Creativity, Nurturing the Soul, Writing Life

by Lisa Jordan, @lisajordan I told my husband once I submitted my latest book to my editor on August 31st, then I would make time in my very busy schedule to declutter our basement. Now this is a project and a half, friends. With over thirty years of marriage, and twenty-four of them have been spent in our current home, …

Seven Rules to Get the Feedback You Need

Alyssacritiquing, David Rawlings, Encourage Me!, Research, Rewriting, Writing, Writing Life

by David Rawlings, @DavidJRawlings Writers are a fragile lot, aren’t we? We beaver away in our imaginary worlds, creating and inhabiting spaces with characters of our own creation. And when we emerge, it can sometimes be daunting to work out if what we’ve created it worth reading.  We’re artists – even if you’re trying to make a living from writing, you’re an …

Impact: What Is Greatness Really?

AlyssaEncourage Me!, Jeanne Takenaka, Life Coaching, Writer's life, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Life Coaching

by Jeanne Takenaka, @JeanneTakenaka I’ve lost track of how many times, in my heart of hearts, I’ve yearned to make a difference in our world. As a teen, I was sure I had big things ahead of me. I just needed to discover them and do them.  Now, decades later, there are still times when I wish I could make an impact …

Filling Your Well with Fall Reading

AlyssaEncourage Me!, Katherine Reay, Life Coaching, Nurturing Creativity, Reading, Writer's life, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Life Coaching

by Katherine Reay, @Katherine_Reay After finishing a manuscript, I feel dry. All my creativity has been spent and I’m a little tired. We all have times in which we need to recharge and that moment is always mine. I believe writers need to be voracious readers. We need to be inundated with stories. But in the last days of writing something new, …

Back to Virtual School: 5 Tips For Productive Writing During This New Season

AlyssaEncourage Me!, Heidi McCahan, NaNoWriMo Skills, Nurturing Creativity, Nurturing the Soul, Procrastination, Writer's life, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Life Coaching

by Heidi McCahan, @HeidiMcCahan The new school year has arrived and even if you don’t have children, you’re probably still aware of this milestone event that marks the end of summer and the unofficial beginning of fall. As my own children are adjusting and adapting to the changing landscape of a school year that’s beginning online, I’ve realized now is the …

Jesus Wore a Dress: Reactionary Ideas in Our Novels

AlyssaAuthor Mistakes, Life Coaching, Peter Leavell, Peter Leavell, Writer's life, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Life Coaching

by Peter Leavell, @PeterLeavell I met a girl, Tonya. Yowzers. I liked her, and on our first date, I could do no wrong. However, the next time we got together, I couldn’t seem to say anything right. Appropriately annoyed, she challenged me. I had two options—react and defend myself, or dig deep, consider her comments, and give a true account …